Courses allow your business to easily offer programs that span multiple days and times. As clients look for the time that's right for them, they'll be registered for each session simultaneously.
As clients register for your course, we’ll keep tabs on how much more room your course has left. Once the course is completely full, we’ll close enrollment so you never exceed the capacity you can handle.
Plus, you can customize each session that you add to let clients know exactly what material is getting covered each time you’re meeting. Course management never looked so easy!
Try It NowGet a web scheduler on your site today! Start your 14-day free trial. No credit card required.
Try It NowScreen clients ahead of time
If your clients need to complete pre-requisites before booking into certain courses, you can use screening questions to make sure they qualify for the course they're trying to sign up for.
Export your registrants list
Have a complete list of registrants who have signed up for your course ready to go when your course starts. You can mark them as checked in and completed for each session so you've got a full list of who actually made it to each course session.
In person or Virtual
Set your courses to take place wherever you want to offer them. Whether that's a course run primarily through Google Hangout or if you're meeting in person at a specific classroom.
Full Rescheduling Control
If clients have to reschedule one of their sessions to another date or time, make sure they reschedule to the equivalent session in another course you're offering. By making reschduling strict you can keep clients from accidentally rescheduling to a session they've already attended.
Get a web scheduler on your site today! Start your 14-day free trial. No credit card required.
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